Digital Education Project

Digital Education Project

We are convinced of the enormous potential that new technologies have not only as instruments to improve learning but as tools for social transformation, and because of that, at Riverside School we work around our Digital Education Project, preparing our students for today 's society and the challenges of a constantly changing reality.

This project includes the “1: 1 Technological Project”, the “Robotics and Computational Thinking Program” and “Programming” at the different school levels (Kindergarten, Primary and Secondary School).

Technological Project” 1: 1

Primary and Secondary School students work in the classroom using their own devices. This Project aims to enrich the learning processes of our students through the use of digital technologies. Through it we seek:
  • To encourage the creativity of the students, their ability to solve problems and independence in their learning.
  • To provide an increasing degree of personalized feedback to students and their families.
  • To encourage students to work with their teachers in the development of itineraries and learning materials.
  • To systematically share materials with students and parents in order to enhance their support for learning anytime, anywhere.
In order to achieve these aims, teachers and students are constantly assisted by digital facilitators from the school who help in the implementation of technology in their classes.

Robotics and computational thinking

At Kindergarten and Primary School levels we complement the digital literacy process by adding to the IT curriculum the development of computational thinking, programming and robotics classes. These disciplines tend to generate in our students specific cognitive skills and critical thinking for problem solving.

Programming (Digital House)

At Secondary School level the IT curriculum is complemented by a Digital Leaders Program in partnership with Digital House and our students are trained in the areas of Digital Marketing, Data Analysis, Programming and Design obtaining at the end of Secondary School the International Diploma in Digital Skills.

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